Scheduling: Instrument time and library screens must be scheduled at least a week in advance. This allows time to consult, adapt the assay to high throughput mode and run controls, if necessary. Scheduling a consultation appointment well in advance (2 weeks or more) of the projected screen date is advised.
Cancelling: Cancellations should be made at least 24 hours in advance. Chemical libraries must be thawed in order to perform a screen. Each freeze-thaw cycle has the potential to damage chemical entities in the libraries. By canceling before the libraries are thawed, we avoid unnecessary risk to the libraries. In addition, by canceling in advance, other users can schedule to use instruments and to perform screens. So, please be considerate.
Hours of operation: Typically, the facility will be open for consultation from 9:00 am-5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Screens may begin earlier and run longer than this allotted time as needed.
Library handling and instrument operation: by MSSR personnel and trained users only.
Acknowledgements/Grants: If you plan to write a grant or write a paper including the screening you plan to perform at the MSSR, please let us know. We need to keep records of these. Such records are needed when we apply for money to support the MSSR. Recharge does not cover the entire cost of running a screen. Please help us to keep the costs to users as low as possible. Authorship
Access Prioritization: The MSSR has so far been able to accommodate all requests. Should the need arise, the MSSR advisory board will resolve prioritization conflicts.